Healy Frequencies For Life
Quantum Technology for Health and Well-being
Pain Relief – Sleep – Stress – Anxiety – Energy – Skin – Beauty And SO much more…
Healy is a holistic wearable frequency medical device that was developed and made in Germany. It is small, light and easy to use and supports your physical, mental and emotional well-being.
This high-quality FDA cleared medical device is for the treatment of pain, chronic pain, skeletal pain, fibromyalgia, migraines and sleep, as well as for the support of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and related sleep disorders. However, the benefits far exceed this as you’ll soon discover…
Healy analyzes over 9 million frequencies and selects the ones you need to harmonize your Bioenergetic Field. It can scan and analyze the frequency of the individual to stimulate the work of various cells in the body.
Your body is made of cells. Cells are made of molecules. Molecules are made of atoms. Atoms are made from subatomic particles which are forms of energy. The energy world influences, impacts and masters your physical world. You are not a body with an energy field, you are an energy field with a body. When you body receives harmonic frequencies, your cells are happy and they heal. When your body receives distorted frequencies, your cells are unhappy, and they break down.
We are energy beings in its most pure and beautiful configuration. We are an ever changing river of intelligence, information and energy and all perfectly packed into our beautiful human bodies.
Through regular use of the selected frequency programs, Healy can support restoring the cell membranes to its natural level. This versatile little device contains frequency programs that help you to specifically target cells to promote your energetic balance, vitality and overall well-being.
Healy goes with you anywhere, its portale and easy to use
Healy has more than specific 200 programs (therapies)
Healy can scan people, animals, plant, land, houses, buildings, vehicles, organizations, groups, etc.
Healy has more than 9 million frequencies ready to go.
Manage the Healy Device from your phone or tablet using the Healy app (which can be off when the device is in use)
Healy works with frequency therapy, and Bioresonance is at the core of its technology. It is connected to frequencies via the Healy App (you can turn off the internet during treatments), which sends the appropriate program into the device itself.
It works in two main ways. One is micro-current. It increases the cellular voltage of the cells to increase function and health of the cell on all levels. This increases functions of the cell, mitochondrial function, amino acid transport, protein synthesis, reduces inflammation, and signals to the cells to release toxic waste they are holding. All levels of the cell vitality and health are supported by the micro-current. This is actually accepted by conventional medicine as well. Healy pairs micro-current technology with the bio-resonance technology, so the human bio-field (energy field). Healy is the only frequency device that has a quantum sensor. It's able to go into the quantum information field (5th and 6th dimension) and it can read your original blueprint, your energetic template, you in your optimal state with which you were born with.
Via the language of frequency, Healy reads it, scans it and brings it back to the 3rd dimension and support the whole human. Healy gives you the exact frequencies you need in real-time, no other device does this. So for instance, if you run a liver program on a regular device, you get a set recipe of frequencies for your liver. With Healy, during the program, the quantum sensor is checking into your bio-field and it's using energetic kinesiology (binary yes-no-yes-no) checking with your energy field to see exactly what frequencies you need in real-time, adjusting them, stopping them, moving unto the next one. Every program is unique every single time for everyone.
Bioresonance captures the frequency of energy wavelengths coming from the body with the quantum sensor, and uses these individually determined frequencies to stimulate specific areas of your body. Through regular use of the selected frequency programs, Healy can support restoring the cell membrane tension to its natural level. This versatile little device contains frequency programs that help you to specifically target cells to promote your energetic balance, vitality and overall well-being.
FSM works by directly targeting cells on a sub-sensory level, micro-current therapy has a dramatic effect in healing and repairing the body in various ways: Micro-current therapy is a rapid response treatment (within 24-48 hours) and treats numerous conditions in just a few treatments including; Inflammation, Back Pain, Muscle tension, Nerve pain, Sports injuries.
Microcurrent has been shown to increase energy production (ATP) in cells by 500%, reduce cytokines that cause inflammation and incfrease secretions in various tissues including substance P that reduces pain. There are numerous studies indicating its ability to improve healing in wounds and fractures.
The information provided here does not constitute medical advice or medical recommendations/treatments. It is for reference and educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should always seek such advice from a qualified medical professional.